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Defines generated content that appears after an element.




Defines generated content that appears before an element.




Applies one or more styles to the first letter of the object.




Applies one or more styles to the first line of the object.




Applies one or more styles to the browse button of an input type=file control.




Applies one or more styles to the check of a checkbox or radio button input control.




Applies one or more styles to the clear button of a text input control. The clear button is shown only when the text input control has focus and is not empty.




Applies one or more styles to the drop-down button of a select control.




Applies one or more styles to the progress control. All styles are applied to the bar portion of the determinate progress bar, except for the animation-name style property, which controls the animation of the indeterminate progress control.




Applies one or more styles to portion of the track of a input type=range control (also known as a slider control). The styles are applied to the control's track from its smallest value up to the value currently selected by the thumb. In a left-to-right layout, this is the portion of the track to the left of the thumb.




Applies one or more styles to portion of the track of a input type=range control (also known as a slider control). The styles are applied to the control's track from the value currently selected by the thumb up to the slider's largest value. In a left-to-right layout, this is the portion of the track to the right of the thumb.




Applies one or more styles to the password reveal button of an input type=password control.




Applies one or more styles to portion of the input type=range control (also known as a slider control) that the user drags.




Applies one or more styles to the tick marks after the slider track of an input type=range (also known as a slider) control. In a left-to-right layout, these are the ticks below the track. In a top-to-bottom layout, these are the ticks to the right of a track.




Applies one or more styles to the tick marks before the slider track of an input type=range control (also known as a slider control). In a left-to-right layout, these are the ticks above the track. In a top-to-bottom layout, these are the ticks to the left of a track.




Applies one or more styles to the tooltip of a slider (input type=range).




Applies one or more styles to the track of an input type=range control (also known as a slider control).




Applies one or more styles to the content of a text or password input control, or a select control.




Applies one or more styles to any text on the page that the user has highlighted.

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