

About Monday

Monday(Mon.) is Day of the Moon.
In legends of the ancient Roman, the goddess of the moon is wife of the god of sun, so she own a date in the week.
In England, people call this day Blue Monday. It is the first work day in a week, and people always hard to say goodbye to rest days.

Nov.14.2011 (Blog on Monday)


Oct.31.2011 (Blog on Monday)


Oct.31.2011 (Blog on Monday)


Oct.31.2011 (Blog on Monday)


Mar.07.2011 (Blog on Monday)

Pisces, Tblog of March is on line.

Jan.17.2011 (Blog on Monday)

Pages on CLOVER update to My Wonderland. check it out >

Jan.03.2011 (Blog on Monday)

My Magic and Archer level up to 80 in The World of Magic-Tower.

Dec.20.2010 (Blog on Monday)

Home - pages ( Xmas Style ) upload.

Dec.20.2010 - Same Direction (Blog on Monday)

Hoobastank is AMAZING! And I think the same direction of everyone is Death...