

About Tuesday

Tuesday(Tue.) is after the god of war, meaning "Tīw's Day", the day of Tiw or Týr.
In both the Greek world and the Spanish-speaking world, Tuesday (the day of the week of the Fall of Constantinople) is considered an unlucky day, the 13th of the month is considered unlucky if it falls on Tuesday, instead of Friday.
In Judaism, on the other hand, Tuesday is considered a particularly lucky day, because in the first chapter of Genesis the paragraph about this day contains the phrase "it was good" twice.
Tuesday is associated with the planet Mars and shares that planet's symbol, ♂. Tuesday is also associated with Uranus.

Aug.7.2012 (Blog on Tuesday)


Feb.7.2012 (Blog on Tuesday)

《无敌色老爹》 - 高清正版在线观看

Nov.29.2011 (Blog on Tuesday)

Those who chosen by this world should end with this world, and those who dump by this world, I'll take them to the next world - Safie · The Next World

Nov.22.2011 (Blog on Tuesday)

回身笑着的她,已成为生命中永远的烙印,挥之不去;如果现在奥丁拥有的是我的人和我的心,那么,她则是夺走了我的魂魄,在她面前,我丧失了神志,丧失了自我,纵使时空不在,也无法斩断牵挂…… —— Rei 《灭·世纪》

Nov.15.2011 (Blog on Tuesday)


Nov.1.2011 (Blog on Tuesday)

I prefer lycan to vampire - Halloween.

Sep.27.2011 (Blog on Tuesday)


Aug.23.2011 (Blog on Tuesday)


May.24.2011 (Blog on Tuesday)

索尔&罗宾-守望の小屋搜狗皮肤发布。 立即下载 >

May.10.2011 (Blog on Tuesday)

牧场是我家动物版V2.0搜狗皮肤发布。 立即下载 >

Jan.18.2011 (Blog on Tuesday)

Someone die as he ever live, someone never die as he never has a life

Jan.18.2011 (Blog on Tuesday)

Just be human, only has one-hundred-years life, rich or poor, eminence or lowliness, hero or trash... the world will never take you to its heart, the time will never record you in its track... you just live until you die, dust to dust, soil to soil...